The Ranger is one of the several types of javelins used by Freelancers during their expeditions outside of Fort Tarsis. Considered the most versatile and well-rounded of all the javelins, the Ranger is adequate at fulfilling multiple combat roles with an emphasis on excellent marksmanship and skill mastery. The Ranger is the first javelin available to the Player.
With its focus on precise damage and versatility, the Ranger javelin can suit any number of skill levels. Novice pilots will appreciate the wide array of weapons and abilities they can use to sharpen their skills, while experts will gravitate toward the Ranger’s emphasis on excellent marksmanship and skill mastery. So, whether you’re the newest Freelancer in your group or the most veteran, the Ranger is the gold standard for combat efficiency.
Abilities [1][]
Javelin Weaponry[]
The Ranger is capable of wielding every weapon type except for Heavy Weapons (which can only be used by the Colossus javelin).
Melee Ability[]
- Shock Mace: When the Ranger javelin chooses to mix it up at close range, it deploys an electrified mace to send a medically-inadvisable amount of voltage through its enemies.
Gear Abilities[]
Grenade Gear[]
Quick to deploy, grenades lay down area damage for effective crowd control at a moment's notice. Modified grenades can be found in the field and equipped to create different effects, including Frost and Seeker Grenades.
- Frag Grenade: Deals impressive damage in a large area of effect.
- Inferno Grenade: Ignites an area, dealing damage and setting enemies ablaze.
- Frost Grenade: Damages and freezes enemies in place.
- Seeker Grenades: Splits into smaller sub-munitions which seek out the nearest enemy.
- Sticky Bomb: Attaches to a single target for a contained, high-damage blast.
Assault Launcher Gear[]
The Ranger’s wrist launcher allows for a variety of modules to be loaded on for an extra burst of firepower. This provides a more flexible combat approach that can take down threats quickly.
- Seeker Missile: Fires a projectile that seeks out a target for a small area-of-effect explosion.
- Pulse Blast: Unleashes a blast of pure energy, hitting a single target with incredible force.
- Spark Beam: Fires a sustained beam of energy for continuous damage.
- Venom Darts: Launches a volley of darts that seek out a target for acid damage.
- Blast Missile: Fires a missile that explodes for area-of-effect damage.
Support Gear[]
A skillful field general, the Ranger is capable of creating special fields that allow its allies to gain a tactical advantage; like all Javelin, the Ranger has two different support options.
- Bulwark Point: Deploys a spherical field which deflects incoming enemy projectiles.
- Muster Point: Creates a field which increases weapon damage for teammates who enter its radius.[2]
Ultimate Ability[]
- Multi-Target Missile Battery: Lancers can deploy a special ultimate ability that displays the true strength of their javelin exosuit. Dealing precise damage across a wide swath of the battlefield, the Ranger’s Multi-target Blast Missiles Battery allows it to target many fast-moving enemies with guided projectiles.
- ^ EA Official Site – Get to Know Anthem's Ranger Javelin
- ^ (NOTE: in a previous version, this ability had been listed as reducing gear cooldown. The ability has since been changed to increase weapon damage instead.)